About Us

I train and handle each of my dogs myself. I have done show, obedience, tracking and hunt work. My favorite discipline is tracking but every dog has to do mandatory obedience and socialization. In addition to obedience, every dog is trained in the discipline that suits him/her most and we usually end up with a minimum of 3 disciplines.

Once trained, each dog competes to get their titles. Some competitions are easier than others but the thrill never leaves. It's priceless to see all the hard training pay off and your dog performing as trained.
When breeding, it is important to enhance the breed as much as possible. Extensive health checks are just the beginning. Pedigrees are carefully matched up and puppies are breed to be 'all round' competition and companion dogs.
We proudly adhere to the Golden Retriever Club of America and American Kennel Club standards. We are members of the Golden Retriever Club of America and Atlanta Golden Retriever Club.